Thursday, May 29, 2008

Strands of Spaghetti

We have all experienced racing thoughts - all jumbled, entertangled and just a mess! I was debilitated by this fine food fascination and decided to see what these "strands of spaghetti" represented.

Strand 1: We were in Columbia, MO over Memorial Day seeing the boys and packing some of our "stuff" into boxes. Being sad that our house hasn't sold yet - we were told by our realtor - "Oh, your house has been the "bridesmaid" several times. :( I think our house deserves to be the blushing bride!

Strand 2: Will is moving to Springfield, MO at the end of July to join his best friend - Joel. They will be living in a loft outside downtown for a year - and then hopefully move to Austin next year. He is currently holding down a 2nd job at Starbucks (which he absolutely loves) - so will work at Starbucks in Springfield and get another job at a salon.

Strand 3: We got Jonathan's stuff moved down to Springfield for his apt. He has it stored at a friends until he can get it moved into his apt. Yea! His first apt - remember when?

Strand 4: We have just about decided that if our poor bridesmaid of a house doesn't sell by the end of July - we are going to let some family friends rent it (they have already expressed that desire) and then try again next year.

Strand 5: I am at peace with the house not selling. Bill and I fully want God's will to work through this. He is our Provider and through the Holy Spirit - will lead us where we should live.

Strand 6: Bill currently has several job leads in the works. Any of these jobs could lead us to live in Ft Worth, Dallas or Austin. (Our first choice is Ft Worth - we are wondering what God's first choice is!!! - all very exciting)

Strand 7: I am truly beginning to understand how important intercessory prayer is. Amazing!

Strand 8: Bill and I are taking a class called "Experiencing God" - by Henry Blackaby. Oh My! I seem to have what I think a relationship with God all backwards. I am learning to just realize how much He loves me (and this I know) and that this should be first and foremost. Through this amazing love - all things will take place. Through Experiencing Him - I will have a closer relationship with Him that He has called me to.

Strand 9: My doggie is so cute - sound asleep at my feet.....which is nothing unusual.

Strand 10: My husband is even cuter....such a soft heart.

Strand 11: Did you know that at Starbucks - they make their pastry/desserts to go specifically with a certain coffee? There are some coffees that taste horrible with a certain dessert - but paired with the right one...oh so sweet!!!! Amazing!

Strand 12: This is about as far into the spaghetti bowel that I can see......the rest is just too deep!


Sarah W said...

Now you've gotten my hopes up that you'll move to Fort Worth!! You definately have a lot of spaghetti on your plate.

Hayley B said...

AWWWW I love all your strands of spaghetti!!!! Starbucks was my favorite job as well, and really is true about the coffee and dessert...but I wont get into that b/c I really can talk about it for a really long time (Coffee NERD!) Secondly I want to encourage you with your house. We have some friends in our small group that just built a house and had theirs on the market. They were discouraged that it hadn't sold so we just started lifting them up in prayer, and it sold at the perfect time. There closing date on their new home was the same day they had to be out of the old home so they never had to find a temporary place to live :) Your trust in God encourages me and challenges me. I LOVE YOU AUNT MOLLY

Hayley B said...

I can't wait to see you in just a few hours!

Lauren Williams said...

Loved this post! thanks for all the strands! I can't wait to see what happens with yalls direction! I hope yall stay close though!!