Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Sweetheart

Oh my goodness! I was on the computer and we have this small screen that continues to roll through all the pictures we have stored in the computer. This picture was there when I logged on! What memories!

This pictures was taken of me and my sweetheart when we were just friends and attended my roommate's ADPi sorority dance. That night was also the first time that Bill kissed me! (we were 20 years old in this picture)

I know Bill reads my blogs - so this is for you hon! I love you so much and my heart continues to be swept away by the boy in the picture. :)


FreyBoys said...

I love the picture!!! Will looks just like Uncle Bill!! What an amazing memory!!!

Sarah W said...

What a great picture! Wow - I see a lot of resemblance with your boys and Bill.

Hayley B said...

YEAH uncle Bill putting the mac dady down! hahaha will looks SO much like you Uncle Bill

Lauren Williams said...

aw!! so sweet! Molly you look the exact same!!!!