Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tagged by 6 little words

What a hard thing to do!!! A 6 word memoir!!

Faithful: I am faithful in my secular and spiritual life - as well as faithful to continue growth.

Patient: It is through patience that I have been able to experience many wonderful things in life (ex. watching my sons learn to do things for themselves, waiting on the Lord and seeing His good works, in marriage - growing together through hard times and easy times, etc.)

Positive: Many have said this of me - maybe I just don't like the feeling of the opposite.

Thinker: What good is one level of thought when you can take it to several different levels. In otherwords - I think too much!

Tradition: I just love traditions! and - making up new ones every year - even if we forget them the next year.

Adventurous: To "experience" all aspects of life and what it has to offer.


1 comment:

Lauren Williams said...

ooh! tradition! that's a great quality!