Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Gospels' Four Perspectives

I am in a Beth Moore bible study and this was brought up that I had never realized:
In looking at the walls of the tabernacle with the ark of the convenant inside; it's best to quote Beth Moore - "The walls that witnessed the ark of the covenant from four different angles drew a wonderful representation of the Gospels, which witnessed Jesus' life from four different angles. Nothing in Scripture is accidental or coincidental. Just think about it: God chose no less and no more than four Gospels. They were adjoined in sovereignly-ordained order. If you lined the four Gospels around Jesus' life, they would provide a perfect, four-sided perspective forming four embracing walls. Actually, it is one Gospel expressed from four angels. As we combine the four, a perfect room emerges from which to study the life of Christ."

Matthew's theme is Christ as King; Mark's theme is Christ as servant; Luke's theme is Christ as man & John's theme is Christ as God. The audience each Gospel targeted were:
Matthew targeted the Jews - religious people (Christ as King)
Mark targeted Romans - average business people. (Christ as servant)
Luke targeted Greeks - philosophers (Christ as man)
John targeted all of the above (Christ as God).

Through the Gospels all audiences could find launguages they understood.....through them we witness our Saviour's life from four different ground-level perspectives.

Pretty cool!

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