Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Stress of a Move

I started packing the apartment yesterday to get ready for our move - Yeah!
I didn't realize what packing away the pictures would do to me -
Reduce me to tears!!!!!
So - I am posting two of my favorite pictures of the boys
so I can come to my blog anytime and look at them!
Guess I am needing a Will and Jonathan fix.
(btw - these were taken at Hayley's wedding)


Lauren Williams said...

aw :)

Hayley B said...

that made me miss your boys too!!!! They are so much fun. I miss you too! I feel like I barely got to see you last time we were there. We are coming down next weekend, kind of last minute, and would love to see you guys...maybe go out for lunch or something on Sunday. Let me know what your weekend looks like