Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Off the top of my head

Bill keeps telling me I need to update my blog. Since moving all our stuff (what was left of it) down to Denton from Columbia - I just haven't had any thoughts to jot. BUT - I CAN give a little update:

1. The Move - quick synopsis -
- movers didn't show - had to get friends to help
- not enough room on the truck - had to get another one (thank goodness we flew in)
- had two HUGE loads of trash and Salvation Army donations (had to pay someone $200 to haul everything away!!!!!! - took them 3 trips)
- had to go out of our way to retrieve our treadmill and Bill's bike that had been taken and hauled off to another town - ok - just call it stolen.
- No room in the UHaul going to Denton to bring treadmill - gave it to a family friend in Springfield.
- saw a sting operation on the highway (6 cars infront of us) police with rifles and guns drawn on this one car!!!!
-Made a total of 5 stops on the trip back home dropping off stuff to family.
- We did all this in 2 days!!!!! Ugghhh!!!!

2. There is a roach in my microwave that walks around the digital clock. I bang on it to make it fall so I don't have to be grossed out about it. How did it get in there?

3. Kayla's white cell count is now normal. Yeah! She is feeling and looking so much better.

4. I just read The Shack. It goes right in line with my bible study - Experiencing God. One thing that stuck out from the book (and there were A LOT of things) is how God is in the present. We can look at the past and learn from it, and look at the future and plan for it....but God is not there. When we look at the future...we are not seeing God. God is in the Present. Walking, living, loving us NOW - HERE! Wow! I love that!!!!!!

5. Bill has another sortof interview/lunch with another architectural firm in Dallas this Friday. This was a total surprise. I am going with him down to Dallas and will hang out at Northpark. Yeah! The company is just off Central (I-75) right by there.

6. I cut my hair short....maybe too short. Hmmm! Am not getting any comments from anybody. Hmmmm.


FreyBoys said...

Oh my you have been busy!! I am so glad that you got the house sold off. Thanks for my picture comments. I need all the advice I can get!!

will said...

ew a rouch!
i wanna see your hair though!!! <3

Lauren Williams said...

needless to say Jerry is loving all the tools!!! yall are so great for 'storing' them!! i need to hear the job update too!

Hayley B said...

You guys are so amazing! Aunt Molly the way you handled that move and everything that happened...was such an example of have the patience of Job :) Thank you for all our stuff...we LOVE IT and you guys...I can't wait to see you in a few weekends

Unknown said...

Hey Bill and Molly, Its your old nabor Dax. I lost my cell so this was the best way to me to get in touch with you guys. Call when you get time, 573.268.5572 of

Leah Dudley said...

Hi Molly...

I love reading your blog...don't remember how I found you...but I check in every day to see if you have a new post...keep it up!


Lauren Williams said...

long time no blog!