Saturday, June 13, 2009


You know....if you are call it "cycling" - NOT "biking".

So - Jon, Bill and I were "cycling" to the lake the other night.
Jon took this pic of me drinking from my waterbottle with his iPhone
(cool people don't call an iPhone a "cellphone").

It was way lighter than the picture looks.

1 comment:

Hayley B said...

that is soooo true about 'cycling'!!!! I learned the hard way. We had an AVID like thought he was lance himself 'cyclist' who came into starbucks one day, and I said "oh, I see you like biking, I am a runner." and he looked at me with disgust and said....."I am a cyclist...not a biker" He then got upset that I didn't have his order waiting for him when he walked in (he was a regular) we were friends by the time I left :) your blog made me laugh at that memory